Tuesday, August 1, 2023

Meditation is the Key to Contact with Inter-dimensional Beings

By Margie Kay 

I've been in contact with spirits and extraterrestrials for most of my life and have used this skill to help solve crimes, contact loved ones for people, and communicate with not only extraterrestrials but animals and the super-intelligent Sasquatch people. Many people ask how I do this, and the answer is simple: I put myself into a deep meditative/trance state prior to doing remote viewing work or communicating with higher-dimension intelligences. An altered state of consciousness is the key to having contact with such intelligences, and it simply cannot be done any other way. A person cannot remote-view without altering their consciousness, either. 

For persons who want to be able to have contact with interdimensional beings, learning how to meditate is the most important and first step. I do suggest getting my book "The Remote Viewing Workbook," in order to learn more and use the practice pages included in the book. This is available at Amazon.com. To get started meditating, here is my method: 

Margie’s Meditation Method

Meditation can help you get to the Beta level of consciousness, where psychic abilities are more easily accessed.  At the Beta level our brain waves average at around 12—15 cycles per second.  At Theta state brainwaves are between 6-7 HZ, and at Alpha (normal waking and relaxed state) brainwaves are between 7 and 12 HZ. Beta level is the state we try to achieve before contacting the other side.

1.) Pick a time to practice every day, preferably at night when it is quiet and there is little activity going on. Try to stick to the same time every day.  I meditate just before going to bed. 

2.) Pick a place to meditate that is comfortable and where you won’t be disturbed by people, pets, or loud noises like traffic or trains. 

3.) Sit in an easy chair or lie down on a bed or couch and use pillows or blankets to get very comfortable.  I prefer to lie down because it is more comfortable for me.  If you fall asleep while meditating don’t worry about it. Note: Meditation
 before sleep often allows you to have a deeper, more restful sleep.

4.) Use of a meditation CD is a good way to get the brain down to beta state fairly quickly.  Listen to the music and relax.  If you don’t have a CD, just listen to your own breathing for a few minutes.  I can highly recommend Janalea Hoffman’s CD’s (see the resource listing)
to help you get to a very relaxed state.

5.) Get relaxed: start at your toes and flex, and then relax your muscles from your feet to the top of your head. Start with the feet muscles, then calves, then thighs, etc. all the way to your neck and head. Go back a couple of times to the jaw and neck areas, since this is the area where people hold the most tension. Take your time and don’t rush the process. After using this method for a few months, you’ll get very adept at relaxing and won’t have to go through the entire process anymore. Your entire body will relax at your suggestion. 

6.)  Clear your mind. You can do any number of activities at this point, based on what your goals are. If you want to contact a loved one who has passed on, or a spirit who is haunting a house, ask to be in contact with that person. Visualize them standing in front of you. When you have a clear picture, ask the person a question and listen for a response.  If you don’t succeed at first, keep trying. After several sessions, you should be able to hear or “feel” the answer. Be sure to write down everything that happened after you stop meditating. 

     Another project you may want to do while meditating is to create something. First, visualize a blank black curtain in front of you. Then visualize whatever it is you would like to manifest in your life—a loved one who passed on that you would like to communicate with, or money, relationships, a house, job, travel, health, or whatever you wish. Concentrate on that and say to yourself, “This manifests for me now” or something similar, over and over again until you feel confident that you have created this in your life. Believe that this is happening, and it will happen.

     Always use positive words instead of negative words. For instance, say “I am completely healthy” instead of “I don’t have arthritis,” since the subconscious mind understands only what you are concentrating on. 

    Start with small things that are easier to obtain before moving on to bigger, more important things.  You’ll be surprised how your life can change using meditation on a daily basis. Don’t be discouraged if you have trouble relaxing and concentrating at first.  A lot of people find it very difficult to stop for 15-30 minutes a day after a hectic day.

Your mind has to get used to the change, and it may take a while— but after a few weeks you’ll start to feel more confident and it will get easier and easier. 

A way to get to “level” faster is to use a meditation CD such as Immrama Insight (www.inrama.org) or one of Janalea Hoffman’s  CD’s (www.rhythmicmedicine.com).

     I have been meditating for over 40 years, and I strongly believe that it has helped me train my mind to the point that I can instantly go into a trance to do work on investigations or ghost hunting. You will get to the stage where you can have “Dual Consciousness,” which means that part of your mind is in a trance state, and part of your mind is fully awake, alert, and communicating with others around you.

HINT: The subconscious mind does not understand “good” from “bad,” only that it will manifest what you concentrate on or visualize.  Therefore, try to keep the thoughts in mind that you want to have happen, rather than focusing on the negative for better results.


Margie Kay is an internationally acclaimed remote viewer who had helped solve over 66 homicide, missing person, and theft cases for law enforcement, private investigators and family members. She serves as Assistant State Director for Missouri MUFON, and is the president of the KUNX Digital Broadcasting Corporation.  For more information visit www.margiekay.com


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