Monday, November 19, 2012

Flooding in the Northeast and HAARP

I had to share this information:  Five years ago my deceased grandfather, who seems to specialize in future catastrophic events, started showing me Earth changes.  One of the things he kept showing me over and over, and more frequently as time went on, was a huge storm and flooding in the Northeast, with pictures of flooding around New York, the coast, and the boardwalk.  This was a significant event- so significant that he started showing this to me years ago.

Most future events are only shown to me shortly before the event happens, but I've determined lately that the bigger the event, the earlier it starts to appear to me.  I wrote about this storm years ago on my other website which is now down, but shared it with a number of people.  Here is the thing - I don't feel that the real danger is over and that there is something else looming that could occur.  I have not been shown what this is - however, logically it may be the Nuclear power plants in the area.

Now for another revelation about this- the words my grandfather says to me as he did about hurricane Katrina- is that this is a man-made disaster.  What could that mean?  Perhaps the HAARP High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program.project?  Is our government or another practicing weather warfare on its own people?  Of course, I have no proof of that, and I'm only speculating as to the reasons for these events.  Apparently, the Gulf Stream has moved North due to severe melting of the ice in Greenland and the Arctic and that has something to do with the creation of the "Super Storm Sandy."  The weather this past summer was certainly extreme- it was so hot and dry in the Midwest that we couldn't believe it. Are we really experiencing a world climate change as in the movie "The Day After Tomorrow?"

As I've said before: be prepared.  Get food, water, and medicine and other supplies to last at least a month. Get a wood stove and wood for heating.  And firearms. The Mormon's prepare with at least a year's worth of supplies.  Perhaps everyone should.  It is just good sense to be ready just in case, but to always hope for the best.

We all should meditate daily on balancing the Earth's energies.

If you want to know more about the HAARP project conspiracy theories visit:

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