Tuesday, October 9, 2012

The Light

In speaking with other people lately who are getting the same messages that I am, I've come to the conclusion that I'm right about my earlier predictions regarding a major Earth shift happening now.  If you take a look at all of the recent reports of "A bright light in the sky," " A wheel within a wheel," "A flashing bright light with multiple colors," it is obvious that there is something unusual going on.  All of these reports are so similar- so could they be the same thing in different parts of the world?

I was focused on the high number of reports from the Kansas City area alone starting in late April of 2012 while taking UFO reports, but it didn't take long to realize that these sightings are occurring on a national and international level.  I've seen "The Light," myself, as we've come to call it, at least a dozen times, including last night with five other witnesses right after a UFO meeting in Westport.  The Light is a brilliant white, blue, red, and sometimes green object that looks like it is spinning.  It could be dismissed as a star or planet if the watcher didn't stop to really look at it, but after a few minutes of watching, it becomes obvious that this is no normal celestial object and the flashing is not caused by refraction in the Earth's atmosphere.  A check with a sky map indicates that it cannot be a star or planet.

The Light has been seen in all parts of the sky at different times of the night, and in some cases, two or three appear at the same time in different parts of the sky.  Some witnesses have seen other smaller objects going to and from the larger light or object. Others, including a group of witnesses in Blue Springs, Missouri, and  KCTV 5 News reporter Dave Jordan, have seen the light remain stationary for hours, only to speed across the sky in one direction, then back again to its original position.  Other witnesses, myself included, have seen very bright red and white horizontal beams of energy flashing across the sky.  They are so brilliant, that it is blinding.

What are these objects?  According to investigative reporter, Linda Moulton Howe, one man claims that the light came down around him and he felt an angelic presence.  He heard a message "The Sleeper Must Awaken."  This is the EXACT SAME MESSAGE that others have told me they have heard, and I know that the witnesses don't know each other.  Another message coming in is  "The Time is Now."  UFO contactee Ray Kosulandich in St. Louis Missouri, got that message at the same time I heard it in Kansas City, Missouri during meditation in 2011.  What do these messages mean?

Could it be that a higher intelligence is here to assist us as we move to a higher vibration?  Are we now moving to the Fifth Dimension, which at it's peak will be December 21, 2012?  When I remote view this, I hear "look at a microscopic level."  Is some dormant part of our DNA now awakening?  Are these higher intelligences here to assist us through the transition?   This is the message that I've been receiving for five years and now it looks like it is coming to pass.

Earth changes are a part of this. We've already seen the increase in the number of large earthquakes, tsunamis, and hurricanes.  This, I have been told through telepathic communication with higher beings, will continue to increase, with the largest quake coming in at a 10.0 at the New Madrid Fault.  It is all a part of the natural order of things, and has to do with our position in the galaxy at that time.  Messages that came through me in an ancient Native American language indicate similar messages (see my other blogs on this topic) and urge "the people" to return to the home of their ancestors, which is the Black Hills.

My ET contact, Mantis, told me that the ET's are making themselves known to everyone in 2012.  He hasn't said anything about a reason why, but I suspect it is because they are here to assist us in the transition.

On the next clear night, go outside at dusk and look for the first bright star you can see.  Watch that light for a couple of hours and then report back to me what you see.  Write me at margiekay06@yahoo.com.

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